Need An Appraiser?

Count on McHugh Appraisal Service when you need to know the value of your property in or around San Mateo County.

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Expert appraisals in San Mateo County

As licensed appraisers, we have the training and credentials to give you the level of credible real estate value opinions that banks and national lending institutions require for mortgages. With years of experience under our belt, we're more than ready to take on practically any type of property.

How do we save time and maintain down costs while maintaining high quality? Our reply is simple: Technology. Of course, it's been our experience that no matter where you go, service is the top reason a client comes, goes, stays or refers their friends. Additionally, we treat everyone as we'd want to be treated ourselves whether we're face to face, on the phone or communicating online in e-mail. The end result is an unbeatable experience for our customers. Call us today. We guarantee you'll see the difference, too.

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